Don’t underestimate the power of relaxation

MarisSage Remedial Therapies 10-minute Relaxation Tips

We know you’re busy. There’s always so much to do, and you can feel stressed, overworked and strung out. But who has the time to relax? You do. Just take ten minutes and try one of the tips below, we promise it will make all the difference.

  1. Sometimes a bit of attention to your breathing is all you need. Breathe deeply and slowly for ten minutes and it can actually help decrease your blood pressure and lower your heart rate.
  2. Smell the flowers. Sniff some essential oil. It’s not an old wives tale; lavender really can help you relax. The scent of lavender can be so potent in helping you relax; it’s available in pulse point roll-ons, sprays and more to help you take time out. Combine lavender essential oil with the breathing tip and you’re onto a winner.
  3. Rub your hands. Give yourself a DIY hand massage to calm yourself down in stressful moments. A ten minute rub of the undersides of your thumb, hand and fingers can be really effective for banishing stress.

Fancy a real Massage instead? I get mine from Mariska at MarisSage Remedial Therapies. She has a massage for everyone remedial, relaxation or through the feet. Check it out at